Last modified: April 14, 2020

The Project

TOP-Energy Software was used in a collaborative approach by DSGNK, HW Technologies, GFaiTech and LGIS to run calculations on the proposed Geothermal energy plant for the iconic Western Queensland town of Winton. It is the first time in Australia that this form of energy production will be used to that scale by powering all of Winton´s key council buildings including the potential to power the entire town in the long run.

Our simulation and optimization of the proposed plant calculated a payback period of less than seven years and about $15 million savings in energy consumption. The new plant will provide enormous benefits to the local community with the savings becoming available to be used on much needed community projects.

LGIS have successfully used TOP-Energy® Software application eta to model the whole of Winton Shire Councils electrically powered assets. We analysed interval data to determine peak load and base load requirements of an embedded geothermal power plant. LGIS then further optimised which assets would be economically viable to connect to a private network. Use of TOP-Energy® software has given LGIS and by extension, its local government clients, a high degree of confidence to proceed with procurement.

Maitland Maltby – Manager-Energy at LGIS

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